Holy Week & Easter 2021

Our services for Holy Week right through to Easter Sunday can be found below.  All are welcome to come and join us for any of our services.  Services will be held in church and broadcast on our Facebook Page. Palm Sunday – 28th March 11am  Family Worship for Palm Sunday. Good Friday  – 2nd April 2pm

Lent Group 2021

This year’s Lent Course will take place on Zoom starting on Ash Wednesday at 7pm. We will be using the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book 2021, “Living His Story” by Hannah Steele. There is no need to read the book to attend.  Each week we will start at 7pm and finish our time together with

Advent Sunday

This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, and the start of a new liturgical year.  Advent is a season of hope as we prepare to celebrate Christmas and the birth of Christ. This year, we need the hope of Advent more than ever as our world is very different to last year.  We can

Rodbourne Helping Hand – Christmas Joy

Rodbourne Helping Hand – Christmas Joy Earlier in the year at the start of the first lockdown, a group of people set up the Rodbourne Helping Hand Group to help those who were struggling during the lockdown.  It was amazing seeing our community pull together at a difficult time to help those in need. As

Advent and Christmas 2020

Christmas this year at St Augustine’s 2020 has been a year like no other. We are hoping to offer a little bit of normality over the Christmas period, and are looking to host most of our usual Christmas Services, albeit some in a different format this year. In light of current restrictions, some of our

Remembrance at St Augustine’s

Our services and events for Remembrance are: Remembrance Sunday – 8th November 2020 – 10.45am – Remembrance Service The service will be streamed on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/swinstaug Our annual service for Remembrance Sunday where we will remember the 80 men named on our war memorials, and all those who have died in conflicts

Harvest Thanksgiving

This coming Sunday, 4th October, is our Harvest Thanksgiving at 11am both in church and online. We will be giving thanks to God for all the wonderful gifts he gives us. We encourage everyone again this year to donate items to the Swindon Food Collective to help those in our communities who may be struggling

Peace Doves are installed

Peace Doves are finally installed A new installation of doves has been installed in the nave of the church.  Earlier in the year, we had planned to install the doves as a commemoration of the 75th anniversary of VE Day on 8th May.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we had already set up the frame

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates Following recent changes in the Government guidelines during the Coronavirus outbreak, from 13th June, we are able to open the church for individual prayer and reflection, providing that social distancing measures are maintained. To ensure we have the correct, and most safe, measures in place, the church will re-open for individual prayer

VE Day – 75th Anniversary

On Friday 8th May, we commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day – when the Second World War ended in Europe. We will be broadcasting a special service service of commemoration and remembrance for the 75th anniversary at 10.45am on our Facebook page.  The service takes the form of a service or prayer and reflection,