Ride & Stride / Heritage Open Day – 10th September

Ride & Stride / Heritage Open Day – 10th September Join us for guided tours to learn the history of the building and our links to Swindon’s Great Western Railway. Visit areas of the church not normally open to the public, and hear demonstrations of the church organ in the wonderful acoustics. The building will

Holy Week and Easter Services 2024

We will be having an informal hot breakfast between the 8am and 10am services on Easter Sunday. We are also able to cater for Gluten-Free and Vegetarian needs. If you would like to join us this must be booked in advance by signing up in church or by calling us on 07776 458278 by Saturday

Messy Church

Messy Church takes place on the third Saturday of each month at 11am. Messy Church is an informal time, (and not just for kids!), of themed craft, fun, worship, celebration and snacks. All are welcome to come along, and it’s free. (Although any donations on the day are gratefully received and go back in to