Stained Glass Windows

The church has six stained glass windows.  The centre Sanctuary window of Jesus the Good Shepherd was installed in 1911, in memory of Miss Julia Strange, a devoted friend of Canon Harvey, who lived at Mannington House.  She conducted a bible class, visited the sick and gave generous donations to the church. The least obvious window, is a circular tracery light at the east end, which depicts ‘The Crown of Life’ and is based on a text from the Book of Revelation 2, verse 10, used at Canon Harvey’s memorial service on 31 May 1931 –

‘Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a Crown of Life’

Parishioners and friends erected this, and two windows, depicting St Augustine standing in front of Canterbury Cathedral, and St Paul on the road to Damascus, in memory of their beloved priest.  A brass tablet commemorating this gift is just inside the church.

The other two memorial windows, positioned in the arch opposite the organ, are of St Peter, dedicated in September 1955 by the Archdeacon, in memory of Mr Ernest Harry Bennett (born 2nd July 1874, died January 1952), and Jesus, our Lord surrounded by Children, dedicated in memory of Alfred W G Withers (b. 1897, d. 1958).  Both men were loyal and served the church for many years.

The windows of St Augustine and St Paul in the apse, and the ocular window high up in the roof are by G. Maile & Son Ltd.  The firm of George Maile and Son, later known as Maile Studios, was founded in 1785 as monumental sculptors at 367 Euston Road, London.  Their latest known glass dates from 1996, much at the date when the firm is said to have closed finally.

The window of St Peter was designed by Arnold W Robinson but by the time the window was ordered he was too ill, or had possibly died, so the window was cartooned and painted by Basil E Barber, who was an apprentice of Sir Ninian Comper, a prominent 20th Century church architect.  More details on Basil Barber can be found at Basil Barber (EXTERNAL SITE) In 1954, Barber moved to Bristol to work at Joseph Bell & Son, a firm that had been established in 1840, but passed from family hands in 1923 when the business was sold to Mr Robinson.

The window of Jesus and the Children is from the studio of Joseph Bell & Son in Bristol.

The maker of the centre window of the Good Shepherd is not known.

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