COVID-19 Information Page
Updated: Friday 24th June 2022 11:00
While most legal Covid-19 restrictions have now been lifted, we want to help keep everyone who comes into St Augustine’s safe.
We are encouraging everyone who comes into the building to:
- Wear a face covering if you wish when entering and moving around the church, when speaking in close proximity to others or when singing. Feel free to take your covering off when seated.
- Continue to use the hand sanitiser provided at the entrance and at different points in the church, and before using the contactless payment machine.
- Maintain social distancing from other people and respect other peoples’ personal space.
- Use one of the lanyards provided to show others you are not comfortable being too close to other people.
- There is no longer a one way system in church.
And we ask that we all respect other peoples’ wishes.
When are we open?
- The church is open for visiting, individual prayer and reflection between 9.30am and 12pm on Saturdays. Refreshments are available.
- Our Sunday services are at 11am every Sunday, and the church is usually open from 10am. They will continue to be streamed on our Facebook page.
- The church garden is there for all to enjoy – feel free to sit on the benches, but please put any rubbish in the wheelie bin or take it home.
What hasn’t changed just yet?
- Wednesday services are alternating weekly between in church and online, please contact us for details on how to join this service.
- Other services (e.g. Taizé Services, Breakfast with the Bible) will also restart at a later date, and further announcements will be made in due course.
- We have restarted Messy Church on the third Saturday of the month, with limited numbers and catering. Please visit our Facebook page ( for more information.
What will happen during the service?
- During our service, we will have readings from the bible, a time of prayer, reflections on the bible readings, and space to connect with God. We will also sing hymns and listen to recorded music.
- Communion will now be taken in both forms (bread and wine), but it will be administered simultaneously (the priest will dip the bread into the wine) – please come forward in a socially distanced way.
- We are sharing a socially distanced peace for the time being, and physical contact should be kept to a minimum.
- We will resume serving refreshments after the service. If the weather is fine, this may take place outside.
- We are not passing the collection plate for the time being. We have cash collection plates around the church and we do have contactless payment available at the back of church, so that you can still give your weekly offertory or a donation to support our work in the community.