Photo by Keith Bull Photography

Peace Doves are finally installed

A new installation of doves has been installed in the nave of the church.  Earlier in the year, we had planned to install the doves as a commemoration of the 75th anniversary of VE Day on 8th May.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we had already set up the frame work ready to install the doves, but were unable to complete the installation for VE day.

We have now installed the doves on the framework, which are flying towards a model globe of the Earth.  There are 99 doves, 75 for the number of years in the anniversary and 24 to remember the men named on our Second World War memorial.  The doves can either be left plain white, or we can use the church lighting system to enable the installation to be ever-changing in colour.

The church is open on Saturday mornings from 9.30am to 12pm for private prayer and reflection and prior to our 11am Sunday service (usually around 9.30am).  Social distancing and hygiene measures are in place for the safety of all visitors and worshippers.