Lectionary Readings: May

The readings for Sundays during May can be downloaded by clicking this link: Sunday Lectionary Readings – May 2020 Readings include the festivals of Ascension and Pentecost as well as for the feast day of St Augustine of Canterbury, our patron saint.

Regular and Online Giving

Regular and Online Giving As a Church, we are entirely self-funded, relying heavily on our volunteers and the generosity of our congregation and visitors. Even when the building is closed, we still need to cover basic costs to ensure that St Augustine’s remains your Parish Church. We do not receive any income from the Church

Worship at Home

Worship at Home – Holy Week and Easter Services we are streaming on our Facebook page this week which you can join in with.  Orders of Service are available from our website.  Click on the Facebook logo on the right or in the toolbar at the top of this page to go directly to our Facebook

Praying for our Community

Praying for our community, nation and world We know this is a difficult time for everyone – our lives have changed drastically in a short space of time. We know that many people are worried about what is going on and how it will impact their lives. As Rodbourne’s parish church, we already pray for

CANCELLED Lent Group at our Midweek Service

Studying the Lord’s Prayer and what it means During Lent we’ll be using the Pilgrim Course to look deeper at the Lord’s Prayer – familiar words, that we pray often at St Augustine’s, but don’t always get a chance to reflect on what it says about God, what is says about us and how Jesus

Are you visiting us soon?

February 2020 – information about the church heating Unfortunately, our heating system is not working at the moment. We are currently investigating options on how to proceed in fixing the heating. If you are coming to any special services which will be held in the main body of the church, we suggest you wrap up

CANCELLED Church History & Learning Tours

Would you like to know more about the history of St Augustine’s? Later this year, we will be holding Saturday morning History and Learning tours.  These will last up to an hour and a half and will take you on a guided tour, and teach you about the church building and the history of the

Taizé Service

Every Third Sunday of the Month at 6pm A quiet informal service with silence, prayer, music and lots of candles.  A time to be still in the hustle and bustle of life.  All welcome – come and try it.

Messy Church

Messy Church takes place on the third Saturday of each month at 11am. at St Augustine’s Church in Summers Street Messy Church is an informal time, not just for the kids, of craft, fun, celebration and we usually end with a simple lunch together.  All are welcome to come along, and it’s free. Dates for 2019

Breakfast with the Bible

Breakfast with the Bible is our monthly breakfast and discussion group.  It meets on the first Sunday of the month at 9am.  At each meeting, we look at a bible reading (sometimes the gospel reading of the day), and discussion usually centres around that reading – it is very informal and there are no right