We are pleased to welcome back Manchester based comic, Tony Vino who will be performing live at St Augustine’s on Saturday 17th June 2017.

The event is suitable for all; Tony performs in a non-offensive style (no swearing) and has performed all across the country and supported many famous acts.  More information can be found on Tony’s website.

The evening starts at 6.30pm with a canapes and a welcome drink followed by a buffet supper and live music throughout the evening before Tony’s begins his set. There will be a small selection of alcoholic and soft drinks available for a donation.

Tickets: £15 (Children £5) which includes a welcome drink/canapes, buffet and five raffle tickets. Further drinks will be available on the night for a donation.

Tickets can be obtained at the church, by phoning 07776 458278 (please leave a message if no answer and we will contact you ASAP) or by emailing us at admin@staugustines-swindon.co.uk

Proceeds towards the St Augustine’s Church Restoration Fund.

Tony is also preaching at our 11am Songs of Praise service on Sunday 18th June.