Taizé Service
Every Third Sunday of the Month at 6pm A quiet informal service with silence, prayer, music and lots of candles. A time to be still in the hustle and bustle of life. All welcome – come and try it.
Every Third Sunday of the Month at 6pm A quiet informal service with silence, prayer, music and lots of candles. A time to be still in the hustle and bustle of life. All welcome – come and try it.
Messy Church takes place on the third Saturday of each month at 11am. at St Augustine’s Church in Summers Street Messy Church is an informal time, not just for the kids, of craft, fun, celebration and we usually end with a simple lunch together. All are welcome to come along, and it’s free. Dates for 2019
Breakfast with the Bible is our monthly breakfast and discussion group. It meets on the first Sunday of the month at 9am. At each meeting, we look at a bible reading (sometimes the gospel reading of the day), and discussion usually centres around that reading – it is very informal and there are no right
Saturday 21st December 11.00am – 1.00pm A time of Christmas themed crafts, stories, food and fun for children of all ages (accompanied by an adult). It’s free, lunch is included and all are welcome to come along and join in the fun.
Wednesday 11th December at 7.30pm Come and celebrate Christmas with Makin’ MuZic at a family friendly concert with plenty of opportunity to join in the singing! Doors open at 7.00pm with mince pies and mulled wine (non alcoholic alternative available). Tickets: £5 are available at the door. Parking: there is limited street parking around the
Come and enjoy our first Community Christmas Tree Festival at St Augustine’s Church, with trees sponsored and decorated by individuals, businesses and organisations from Rodbourne. The festival finishes with our Carol Service on 22nd December at 6pm. Opening Times: Monday to Friday: 12pm to 2pm & 6pm to 9pm Saturday: 9.30am to 11.30am & 2pm to
Once again, we are delighted to be having a memory tree in church from 1st December through to Epiphany (6th January). This is a chance for all to come and remember a loved one, at what can be a difficult time of year. Placing a card on the tree is free but any donations received
Christingle Service Wednesday 4th December at 6.00pm Family friendly service where all present are given a Christingle to take away. During the service, the lights are switched off and the church is lit by the light of the Christingle candles. Come and join the celebration!
Details of our Advent and Christmas services follow below. You can download our 2019 Advent and Christmas leaflet on the right of this page. St Augustine’s Christmas Leaflet 2019 For information on the Christmas Tree Festival between 16th and 22nd December, please click here. SUNDAY 1ST DECEMBER – ADVENT SUNDAY 11.00am Family Service 6.00pm From
Monday 16th to Sunday 22nd December 2019 About the Festival St Augustine’s has been a part of the community of Rodbourne for over a century. Following on from the success of last year’s WW1 centenary displays, we are hosting our first Community Christmas Tree Festival in the church during December. This festival is about bringing
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